Mark Hayward
Yo-Yoer & Juggler

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Mark Hayward has been a variety arts performer since 1990. He is a World Yo-yo Champion, a member of a World Champion Juggling Team, and a Spin Top Champion. His mom is proud. Mark has traveled the world with a yo-yo on his finger (well, mostly in his pocket), and has made appearances on The Late Show with David Letterman (twice), The Late Late Show with James Corden, America’s Got Talent, and the NBC Nightly News (without committing a crime). Someday Mark hopes to perform for both the President and the Queen. Not being a convicted criminal should help with that.
Mark’s performance consists of an amusing combination of comedy and object manipulation. He uses props such as yo-yos, tops and juggling equipment, as well as nontraditional performing props like a mousetrap (and even a wombat trap!), in a fun and witty style for a show that can be enjoyed by anyone. His show has been a favorite at special events around the country.
>> Career Highlights
• A World Yo-yo Champion
• A member of a World Champion Juggling Team
• A Spin Top Champion
National Television Appearances on:
• Late Show with David Letterman (twice)
• Late Late Show with James Corden
• America’s Got Talent
• NBC Nightly News (without committing a crime)
>> Testimonials
"It’s a thing of beauty. Nice Job!"
–David Letterman, The Late Show
"The man’s brain is a national treasure"
–Juggle Magazine
"We will definitely have him back next year!"
–Summerfest, Milwaukee WI
"Well done sir!"
–James Corden, The Late Late Show
>> Basic Set-Up Needs
>> Sample Introduction
The following is a sample introduction you may use when introducing Mark Hayward to your audience:
"Mark Hayward has appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden, Late Night With David Letterman (twice), America’s Got Talent, the CBS Early Show, and the NBC Nightly News (without committing a crime). He is a World Yo-Yo Champion, a Spin-Top Champion, and a member of a World Champion Juggling Team. In addition, Mark is a self-proclaimed Cool Guy. Please welcome Mark Hayward!"
>> Pricing Information
Pricing for each act varies depending on a number of factors including: location of the event; popularity of the date; routing for each act; type of event; single or multiple day performances; length of show, etc. To get a specific and accurate quote for your event please contact our office by completing the form below or calling (612) 361-6002. We respond very quickly to answer all our clients' questions.